Walking is both famous and smooth to execute, but it may come to be uninteresting, in particular in case you feel you can do extra. If you began taking walks for weight loss, you could additionally see a plateau, without a seen effects after a while. It’s time to take this simple workout a degree better, and what better manner than to move from strolling to strolling after which running! Running is time-green, with health desires carried out in a shorter duration. It also improves bone density and builds stronger muscle mass.

In the beginning, do not get too involved with speed, as your body needs to adapt to a new activity which is physiologically more demanding. It is high-impact and requires a bit of technique and training to begin with.

First's, form

When walking, the heel of the foot strikes first and then the foot rolls through to push off with the toes. Running, or jogging, which is running very slowly, involves the foot differently. A mid-foot strike is preferred, as it helps build and maintain pace and speed, as one becomes more adept at the sport. Some shoes companies sell mid-strike shoes.

Avoid clenching the fists while running, as it creates stress and can elevate one’s blood pressure. The arms should be bent at the elbows and held by the side of the trunk. Arms should move forward and back in sync with the foot movement.

Maintain breathing as natural as possible, and try and breathe in and out through the nose for as long as possible; switch to nose-to-mouth breathing only if required. Keep your eyes ahead and watch out for obstacles without bending your neck, maintain correct posture with the shoulders relaxed though not rounded. Maintain a tall stance.

Keep the stride short to maintain the hip, knee and ankle alignment. Never lock out the knee. Longer strides will lead to lower-body injuries in the long run.

Second, support 

You need to support the highly-demanding sport with the right nutrition, hydration, and strength and core training. So no carb-free diet, as running demands carbohydrates as well. But choose sensibly: whole, unprocessed carbs over refined and processed. There are always exceptions to the rule of course, but not for a beginner. Make stretching an essential part of each session. Strength and core training can be done on alternate days. Rest one day a week, as rest and recovery are an important part of training.

Third, gear

Running shoes can be used for walking, but walking shoes cannot do their job well when running, as they do not have the same shock absorption capability. Barefoot running is a different ballgame, and you must train and ease yourself into it very carefully, beginning with walking, should you wish to progress to it, eventually. Choose apparel made of fibres, which wick away sweat, dry out fast and keep the body cool. Preferably try and make your lowers leg-hugging, so they don’t flutter around. Hydrate well before, during and after the run, sipping water before and during.

Get with the programme

SUITABILITY: These are recommendations for a seasoned walker who wishes to progress to running.

FREQUENCY: Thrice a week

Warm-up: 5-minute easy walk

Cool-down: 5-minute easy walk followed by stretches: quad, calf, hamstring, glutes, groin, hip flexor, lower and upper back, shoulder (should be held for at least 30 seconds each).

Week 1: Walk 5 minutes; jog 1 minute. Repeat the cycle 5 times (total 30 minutes)

Week 2: Walk 4 minutes; jog 2 minutes Repeat 5 times (total 30 minutes)

Week 3: The same as week 2

Week 4: Walk 3 minutes; jog 3 minutes. Repeat 5 times (total 30 minutes)

Week 5: Same as week 4

Week 6: Walk 2 minutes; jog for as long as possible; switch back to 2 minutes walk. Maintain for 30 minutes

Week 7, 8: Same as week 6. Maintain the same pattern till you can jog non-stop for 20 minutes

In the next few weeks, try and increase the duration to 30 minutes of non-stop jogging. This stage should be achieved in 10-12 weeks. After this, first increase duration to 60 minutes of jogging and later work on speed.

To increase speed, incorporate 30-second sprint intervals in the jogging and keep increasing the pace as and when you can. Keep a track of your time after around four months of regular training.

Progress gradually and practise as recommended to avoid overload injuries. Consult a doctor before making any changes in your existing exercise programme.

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